Community Resilience and Empowerment Program

Our Emergency Assistance Program began as a COVID-19 Elderly Care Package. During the first months of the COVID-19 Pandemic, our elders living in the Black Mesa/Kitsili Region were lacking support and assistance from the local chapter and the Navajo Nation Government. We Care Shi Cheii doo Shi Masani Foundation took the initiative to provide relief efforts for our elders and begin the Care Packages as temporary support.

During this time, the Navajo Nation also put in place a 57-Hour Curfew Policy, prohibiting Navajo members to travel during the weekend. This new policy greatly impacted our elders. Our foundation members reached out to friends and family across Arizona and New Mexico for donations and we were able to provide our first round of Care Packages for our elders on May 2, 2020. We provided Care Packages for 95 elders in the community. Our Care Package Program evolved and transitioned into the Emergency Assistance Program.

We offer assistance in the following areas:

        • Food Boxes

        • Hygiene Boxes (Shampoo, Soap, Toothpaste, etc.)

        • Sanitation Items (Hand sanitizers, face masks, disinfectant wipes, etc.)

        • Seasonal Clothing Items

To Be Eligible for the Emergency Assistance Program, you must meet one (1) of the following criteria:

  1. Seniors 60+, who currently reside in the Black Mesa/Kitsili Valley or

  2. Individuals who are experiencing financial hardship due to an unforeseen accident or event and need assistance in obtaining food, or

  3. Individuals who are in quarantine and lack the support to obtain food on their own.

To request for assistance, please contact us at (480) 799 - 7959 or email us at